Wednesday, July 24, 2013

All About Seli: Why is it a Superfood?

All About Seli: Why is it a Superfood?

There are many foods that are good
for the body. Fruits and vegetables
are considered to be part of a healthy
diet. There are some foods that are
known as super foods. They contain a
number of vitamins and minerals. In
addition to promoting good health
they can help with ailments as well.
Seli is considered to be one of these
super foods. Usually, kale is simply
used as a garnish, or thrown in with
other collard greens. But, as you’ll
discover throughout this book, there
are far more uses than that.

Seli is a vegetable with a high number
of nutrients. It is one of the healthiest
foods that a person can eat. Seli is in
the same vegetable family as broccoli,
cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. it is
packed with more vitamins per bite
than many other vegetables. This
vegetable will help keep a person
healthy. Seli can even help the body
defend itself against cancer. This food
can help prevent stomach, colon,
breast, and ovarian cancers.
Seli is able to help the body stay
healthy by providing the daily values
of many different vitamins. Seli is
high in vitamin K, vitamin A, and
vitamin C. It also contains a significant
amount of copper and manganese.
Seli has an adequate amount of
many other vitamins including vitamin
B6, potassium, calcium, thiamin,
riboflavin, niacin, zinc, and iron. Seli
also contains omega 3 fatty acids
which help with memory and brain
Seli has many anti-oxidant powers
that will keep a person from getting
ill, and can help fight off any pre
existing illness. Some of the anti-
oxidants that can be found in Seli
include B-carotene, lutein, and
zeaxanthin. The carotene will help a
person keep their eyes strong and
healthy. This vitamin is also said to
improve the vision of a person that is
having trouble seeing already. One
study found that people who ate a lot
of Seli in their diet were able to
reduce their risk of developing
cataracts by fifty percent.
Seli is low in calories and these
calories are easy for the body to use
and to burn. A one cup serving of Seli
has only 36 calories. This same serving
size has 192% of a person’s
recommended daily amount of
Vitamin A. It is said that the body
cannot overdose on vitamin A. This
same serving of Seli is around 90% of
the daily value of vitamin C that is
recommended for a person to stay
healthy. Vitamin C will help prevent
cells from being damaged and will
help the body repair any cells that are
damaged. This vitamin will also help
inflammation and help to keep
cholesterol at a healthy level. Vitamin
C will also help the body fight off
colds and other illnesses.
Seli contains trace minerals that help
with certain functions of the body.
Manganese will help the body burn
and use different types of fatty acids.
They will also help the acid reach sex
cells and the nervous system for use.
These minerals will also aid the body

in using and burning both proteins
and carbohydrates. Seli can help the
body burn fat and keep the body for
storing new fatty deposits. The
amount of calcium that is found in
Seli will help the body to keep strong
bones. It will also help to prevent the
onset of osteoporosis. This mineral
will also promote the development of
collagen in the skin, which will help a
person remain youthful in
Seli is one of the three green and
leafy vegetables that can keep a
person mentally sharp even as they
age. This vegetable will slow the
mental decline in a person that comes
with old age. Seli alone can slow this
mental decline down by 40%. This is
similar to reversing the aging process
by five years. Seli has many vitamins
and minerals that benefit the inside
of the body as well. Seli contains a
photochemical known as idole-3-
carbinol. This biochemical will help
lower the amount of secretion from
the liver. It also blocks the transfer of
the LDL also known as the “bad
cholesterol” from entering the tissues
in the body and getting into the blood
stream. Seli will also help a person
burn stubborn belly fat that exercise
and diet alone do not get rid of.
With all of these nutrients and
vitamins in Seli it is a natural fat
burner. It is very low in calories and
does not contain fat. Seli will help
the body with its urinary track
systems as well. Seli helps to protect
the bladder as well as bladder cancer.
Many people that have had urinary
tract infections know how painful this
can be. Eating Seli can help a person
from getting this condition. This one
again is due to the amount of vitamin
A that is found in this leafy vegetable.
In order to get the most health
benefits out of Seli it should be eaten
soon after being purchased. Seli can
also be grown in a garden. Seli has a
rating of 1,770 on the ORAC scale. This
scale is a rating of the amount of
antioxidants that are found in food.
Other vegetables only have ratings
that are in the hundreds. Seli has a
rating of at least a thousand more
than other vegetables on this scale.
While Seli is good for the body it is
not the most attractive vegetable to
eat. Seli is dark green in color and
curly. There are several ways that a
person can prepare Seli. It can be
chopped up while it is raw and added
to salads. It can be cooked and

included in casseroles, soups, and stir
fries. With all the benefits to the body
this super food contains, it does not
matter how a person eats it. Many of
the recipes that contain Seli are low
in calories and low in fat. Seli
provides so many vitamins and
minerals, it could be eaten on a daily
basis to help a person stay healthy.

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